Options to record shifts in myPayWow
Last modified 6/18/2020 5:59:58 AM EST | Added by Paywow Team

Applicable To
Complete Payroll Contractor Pay Employees Contractors

myPayWow’s time clock feature provides multiple ways for employees and contractors to record work hours. An administrator must first enable the time clock feature for them to use it.

Here’s how you can record work hours in myPayWow:   

In-App Time Clock Panel

  • With this, employees can use myPayWow to clock in, start and end breaks, and clock out. If geofencing is enabled, they must be within a designated radius set by the administrator in order to clock in using myPayWow.
  • Employees can record their work hours even when offline. The recorded shifts will automatically sync across devices when online. To learn more about recording shifts offline, click here.
  • If employees missed recording work hours for the current pay period, they can go back and add them manually using the manual punch feature.

PayWow Kiosk 

To record shifts using Kiosk, employees must scan the QR code on the Kiosk from their myPayWow app. 

The administrator will review and approve all the work hours recorded, and employees will be notified of their shift approval status.

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