Employee Deduction Report
Last modified 6/18/2020 8:33:55 AM EST | Added by Paywow Team

Applicable To
Complete Payroll Contractor Pay Employees Contractors


During payroll, a payroll admin can track the deductions they've enabled for an employee. These pre-tax or post-tax deductions are not tax deductions but are made to pay for uniforms, tools, union fees, company benefits, etc. The Employee Deduction Report is available on the date that the payroll is submitted.


To generate a report containing each employee's deduction details for a selected year, payroll type, and pay schedule.

To learn how to garnishments, deductions, and reimbursements for employees, click here.


Year, Payroll Type, Pay Schedule

Running the Report:

  1. Go to Reports >> Payroll Reports
  2. Click Employee Deduction Report.
  3. On the Employee Deduction Report page, select the Year, Payroll Type, and Pay Schedule for which the Employee Deduction Report is to be generated.
  4. Click View Report.

Output Fields:

The report lists the employee names, employee types, deduction descriptions, tax types and the total amount for a pay period.

Sample Report:

Export format: PDF and CSV.

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