Does PayWow allow additional earnings to be adjusted toward minimum wage?
Last modified 6/18/2020 8:25:55 AM EST | Added by Paywow Team

Applicable To
Complete Payroll Contractor Pay Employees Contractors

Yes, an employer can navigate to Settings >> Payroll Settings >> Employee Additional Earnings in PayWow and either add an earning type or choose a default type to adjust employee minimum wages in regards to the state's minimum wage rate. 

To learn how to add deductions and reimbursements for employees, click here

If an employer opts to consider the additional earnings for minimum wage adjustments while processing payroll, it will be listed under Regular Earnings. Those not considered will be listed under Other Earnings

Earnings that are considered for minimum wage adjustments can be paid only through regular payroll, whereas those not considered can be paid through all types of payrolls. 

All additional earnings are taxable and are listed on employees’ pay stubs. 

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