Record work hours through PayWow Kiosk
Last modified 6/18/2020 6:00:35 AM EST | Added by Paywow Team

Applicable To
Complete Payroll Contractor Pay Employees Contractors

The administrator must have enabled the Kiosk access for employees/contractors to record shifts through it. Employees/contractors can either scan the QR code on the Kiosk that auto-generates every 10 seconds or enter the 4-digit PIN to clock shifts. 

Here’s how to clock in using the QR code in the PayWow Kiosk:

  1. From the left flap menu, select Time Clock.
  2. Tap Clock In to record the shift activity. 
  3. A screen appears to scan the QR code presented on the PayWow Kiosk. 
  4. Get the QR code scanned in myPayWow.

Follow the above steps to record any shift activity. 

To learn how to record shifts through the in-app time clock panel, click here.

Here’s how to clock in using the 4-digit Kiosk PIN:

  1. Tap the Clock Manually button.
  2. Search your name by entering your name’s first letter.
  3. Make sure your face is aligned within the box to photo-capture, then enter the four-digit PIN. 
  4. Tap Clock In

Follow the above steps to record any shift activity.

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